Our first game was deplatformed, cancelled, put on the so-called “Index of Youth-endangering media” in Germany – nonetheless it was a giant success! Now we will bring things to the NEXT LEVEL: We are going to upgrade Kvltgames into a fully-fledged patriotic gaming company.

To do so, we need YOUR help!


Heimat Defender is a classic 2D Run n Jump Video Game: 90s visuals, cyberpunk aesthetics, a retro-wave soundtrack, a grim dystopian future and challenging levels that demand everything from the player!

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Kvltgames is a dissident studio that has specialised on making games with “politically incorrect” themes!

Microaggressions not microtransactions!

Kvlt Jam – the patriotic Game Jam!

You are a programmer, graphics artist or designer with an interest in game dev? Then here’s the chance to build a small game with other patriotic devs over the course of a weekend.

Try the games of our last Game Jams!

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By Dissidents For Dissidents


Many know Heimat Defender, which managed to become a KVLThit in patriotic circles and could be realized with the financial support of Ein Prozent e.V. as well as lots of idealism.

Motivated by our success, it is now time to stand on our own feet, move forward with KVLTGAMES and turn it into a fully fledged gaming company.

"A German far-right group is trying to recruit kids with a free video game"
"Experts are concerned the game could be an effective gateway for newcomers into the radical right ideology of the Identitarians, whose goal is to mainstream the narrative that a “great replacement,” engineered by elites, is taking place through immigration into Europe."
Tim Hume, Vice
"Rechtes Computerspiel als Propaganda für leicht zu beeinflussende Jugendliche."
"Propaganda-Mittel wie das Spiel „Heimat Defender”, rechter Rap oder Kleidung mit entsprechenden Symbolen können jungen Menschen tatsächlich einen erleichterten und popkulturellen Einstieg in die Ideenwelt von Rassisten und Rechtsextremisten bieten."
Jochen Klein, Nordkurier
No Child's Play: The Identitarian Movement's Patriotic Video Game."
"Nevertheless, the game is also entertaining for those who are already part of the far-right subcultural milieus. For instance, the graffiti and signs appearing in the background during the player’s journey through the dystopian world contain ample subcultural references including memes, the defamation of George Floyd, “Epstein didn’t kill himself”, “Open Borders: Global Homo Inc. needs reinforcements” and hydra as a representation of the “global homo regime."
Linda Schlegl, Global Network on Extremism & Technology
"In den überfälligen Erholungsurlaub und schon meinen Verfassungsfeinde und Verschwörungsideologen ein Computerspiel u.a. auf Steam veröffentlichen zu müssen."
"Über das Spiel muss man nicht viel sagen: Personal, Ideologie und (LGBTQI+feindliche rassistische und antisemitische) Verschwörungsmythen von Rechtsextremen verpackt in ein gefälliges/augenzwinkerndes Vaporwave-/Retro-Jump'n'Run. Nicht geil, aber auch nicht ungewöhnlich."
Christian Hubert, mächtiger Kulturwissenschaftler auf Twitter
"Die Opferinszenierung der Identitären ist billig kalkuliert, die Botschaft lautet:  Die im Spiel dargestellte Dystopie wird bald Wirklichkeit sein."
"AfD, Götz Kubitschek und die Identitäre Bewegung – in »Heimat Defender: Rebellion« hat sich zusammengeschlossen, was zusammengehört. Das Spiel zeigt erneut, wie eng die extreme Rechte im deutschsprachigen Raum vernetzt ist. In der Lage, ein gutes Videospiel zu produzieren, ist sie zum Glück nicht."
Veronika Kracher, Jungle World

Our company

According to the mainstream media, we are of course a so-called “far right” studio. We specialise on developing games with “politically incorrect” content.


Microaggressions not microtransactions

The Team

Our young and dynamic infamous team currently consists of 4 members and various freelancers who create artworks, compose marching music or just want to spread our message.

In our spare time we like to organize torch marches for strengthening our team spirit and give away free helicopter rides for most unproductive employee of the month.

We are being financed via donations, sales and a small piece of the rhinegold.

Our Mission

Many people think KVLTGAMES is a regular game studio with a bit of a patriotic flavour, but our self-image is more than that:

We do not only want to entertain with our games, we want to express our world view through or games and – hopefully – inspire others that way to resist the real Globohomo that’s out there in the current year.

We want to be a counterbalance to all the globalist megacorps that ruin gaming and all of arts and entertainment by injecting their poz into it.

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